Like every Thursday we meet for our touch rugby training hebdo but this time we'll chain with a rich and gourmet evening. 8:00 pm: the first members arrive but directly to the Club House of the Rugby Club of Courbevoie. I...
Folklore season ends in beauty
Since last year we have taken the habit, friendly habit, to end our club season by a festive evening This year, once again, Bruno, our veteran (what healthy!!!) has made us happy to welcome us home in his beautiful...
General Assembly 2023-2024 of folklos
A general assembly of folklos conducted roundly... During this AG, Cyrille, the president, said that our group was living well and was out with only one departure (which we hope is temporary) for 3 to 4 arrivals. Cyrille said the year was rich in...
IDF rugby league highlights Rugby Club Folklos
Article on the website of the Ligue Régionale d'Ile de France A little over two years ago, Cyrille Mascaud announced the creation of his team: the Folklos of the Rugby Club, a team with former players and novices. Besides gathering around the...
Fanzone CDM Animation
The Folklos of the Rugby Club received as club host of the Societe Generale field for the day of 16/09/23 in the village Rugby Place de la Concorde. An opportunity to make Rugby 5 even more known and to (re)discover rugby to visitors, children like...